The Garam Group Blog

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sd wan
Business Technology

How SD-WAN Can Fix Your VoIP Problems

Many businesses trying to modernize and “future-proof” their phone systems turn to VoIP and expect all their communication problems to disappear. VoIP has a ton of undeniable benefits but to say that it is without any problems at all would be dishonest. When a VoIP phone system works as it should, a business has a

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Phishing Scam – Do you know how to spot a phishing scam?

Cyber Phishing – How do you spot a phishing scam? There are some simple ways to stay aware and stay safe when it comes to phishing scams.   By looking closely at an email you can spot the most common indicators of a phishing email. Things like misspellings, checking the “From” email address and verifying

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Upgrade Your Phone System With VoIP And Save

The modern consumer is vastly different from the average consumer just 20 years ago. They expect a lot and, when they don’t get it, they have a lot of other options they’re more than happy to explore. This is a growing trend – consumers keep expecting clearer, easier-to-use communication even from small or mom-and-pop businesses.

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cloud VoIP phone system

6 Ways a Cloud Phone System Keeps Remote Employees and Offices Connected

Today, utilizing communication technology in your business is more important than ever before. Business phone systems, email, and recently video conferencing have become critical to keeping our teams connected and productive as we’ve all learned to work together while apart. If you are like many businesses, you may have multiple physical offices and employees working

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Business Technology

Working From Home – What We Learned: 2020 Year in Review

We are about 2 weeks into 2021 and we’re all reflecting on what a crazy year 2020 turned out to be. We sure learned and experienced a lot in the past year! One of the biggest shifts we all went through was the huge surge of businesses having their employees working from home. It has

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